The Musical Music Team

The Musical Music Team

Music Teams can support their choirs more effectively if they use active music-making in their planning of repertoire and rehearsal strategies.

Summary Description 

The members of a choir's music team spend a lot of time and energy interacting musically with the rest of the choir, but they often work together in a largely administrative mode. This workshop places practical music-making at the heart of the team's activities by introducing a working method that offers benefits in three dimensions. It helps team members (a) develop their individual skills, (b) form a closer musical bond with other team members, and (c) use what they learn about their repertoire through this process to inform their work with the rest of the choir.

Who is it suitable for? 

Those who are involved in the musical leadership of their choir - directors, assistant directors, section leaders, vocal coaches, performance coaches.


By the end of the workshop, participants will:

  • Have a deeper understanding of each other's musical personalities
  • Know how to use a collection of working methods to help each other develop individually and in ensemble
  • Be able to use the insights these experiences afford to inform their planning for the rest of the choir

The team will work as a chamber ensemble, with different members switching in to sing and out to listen, direct or coach through a series of semi-structured exercises based around music from the choir's current or planned repertoire. Guided discussion will draw out learning points for individuals and their implications for the choir as a whole, but the focus will always come back to their practical application.

Elements of this workshop also work well with the practical parts of the Effective Rehearsal Skills workshop.


Resource document that summarises the concepts introduced and activities undertaken during the workshop, and gives suggestions for further reading and practical resource suggestions.

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